#################################### Appendix A - Documentation Standards #################################### The Hercules documents are written in reStructuredText. This appendix details the reStructuredText standards to be adhered to when creating or editing documentation, in order to achieve a consistent presentation of documenation across many contributors, and over time. reStructuredText (RST) is a lightweight plaintext markup language, which is simple and human-readable in its raw form. It allows for easy conversion to other formats, such as PDF, HTML or EPUB. Read more on reStructuredText `here `_ . This document is not intended to be a guide on RST - a basic familiarity with RST should be gained prior to working on documentation. ***************** Sections ***************** One of the first and most basic standards any documenter will need to know is that of Sections, used to establish a heirarchy, and build a table of contents. There is no definitive standard in place, however we will adopt the below standards, commonly used with Python documentation. .. note:: The number of punctuation characters should match the length of the section name. Standards ========= **Top level 'part'** :: ###### Part 1 ###### Surround the name by over- and underlining using `#` symbols. **2nd level 'chapter'** :: ********* Chapter 1 ********* Surround the name by over- and underlining using `*` symbols. **3rd level 'section'** :: Section 1 ========= Underlining using `=` symbols. **4th level 'subsection'** :: Subsection 1 ------------ Underlining using `-` symbols. **5th level 'subsection'** :: Subsection 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Underlining using `^` symbols. Examples ======== The first example: :: ###################### Hercules Document Name ###################### **************** 1st Chapter Name **************** Section 1 ========= 1st Subsection -------------- 2nd Subsection -------------- 1st subsubsection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Section 2 ========= ...would result in the following structure in the left hand TOC panel of the generated HTML: .. image:: /doc_resources/images/appendix_a_tocsamp.png ***************** Images ***************** Occassionaly it is neccessary to include images in the documentation, such as screenshots. When this is required, the below standards should be applied. Standards ========= * Any images files to be included in the documents should be placed in the /doc_resources/images/ folder. * image files should be named as follows: Examples ======== /doc_resources/images/configuration_scnshot1.jpg /doc_resources/images/configuration_exampleb.jpg